Jesus said in John 10:10: " I came that they may have survive life and make it through the day." WRONG!!!! That's NOT what He said! Sadly, we are often misquoting that in our spirit. What Jesus really said in John 10:10 is: " I came that they may have LIFE and have it ABUNDANTLY." So what are the "pirates" that come? just before the statement above, Jesus speaks of the "Thief" that comes to 'steal, kill and destroy". I know that the pirate (satan) works on me by using such things as: busy-ness, apathy, and the idols I've placed in my life. That's right....IDOLS. Do you have any? They are the things that I allow to consume me. Not always bad things - in fact, often very GOOD things: my children, my church, my work - even food (cooking) - but ANYTHING that is placed in front of my personal growth and commitment to my RELATIONSHIP with Jesus is...well an IDOL. Pirates love idols.. Satan loves my idols, too. What about you? My goal this summer is to get my treasures lined up with God's call and plan. First things first. Jesus - Jesus - Jesus - THEN add in those blessings such as family, church, friends, work, etc.
After all, even Jack Sparrow would agree that it's just no fun if we don't put up a fight! Here's the spoiler alert: Jesus wins!